Tegan McWilliam

Tegan McWilliam

  • Admitted: 2020
  • Bar: 2023


Peta Murphy Chambers
Room 0919
456 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000


Tegan accepts briefs in criminal, quasi-criminal and administrative law matters across Victoria. She also appears in intervention orders, compensation orders, and VOCAT applications.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Tegan was a Judge’s Associate in the Criminal Division of the County Court of Victoria, firstly to her Honour Judge Pullen and then Justin Hannebery KC.

Tegan gained extensive experience whilst assisting the court with:

  • complex jury trials,
  • pre-trial applications and rulings,
  • special hearings,
  • ground rules hearings,
  • fitness investigations and Crimes Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried Act 1997 matters,
  • supervision orders,
  • occupational health and safety prosecutions,
  • pleas,
  • contested bail applications, and
  • appeals from the Magistrates’ Court against conviction and sentence.

She also volunteered with the Springvale Monash Legal Service for three years.

Tegan is reading with Kelly McKay and her senior mentor is Georgina Coghlan KC.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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