Jamie accepts briefs in all areas of law.
Before coming to the Bar, Jamie was Associate to the Hon Justice Gleeson at the High Court of Australia. As a solicitor, he was a constitutional litigator (within the Australian Government Solicitor), acting mainly in High Court proceedings.
Jamie holds a Master of Laws (1st) from the University of Cambridge, and lectures in the postgraduate program at Monash University (teaching equity, constitutional law, and administrative law). He has published widely, including in the Sydney Law Review, the Public Law Review and the Federal Law Review.
Jamie read with Fiona Batten and his senior mentor is David Batt KC.
Recent and ongoing matters
- KMD v CEO (Department of Health NT) & Ors – High Court of Australia – appeal – led by Emrys Nekvapil SC with Jim Hartley.
- Various advices, including led by Alistair Pound SC (Solicitor-General of Victoria), Philip Crutchfield KC, Ron Merkel KC, Eugene Wheelahan KC.
- Shakespeare Partners Pty Ltd v Transonic Travel Pty Ltd – Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Victoria – appeal – misleading and deceptive conduct – loss and damage – led by Philip Solomon KC and Richard Harris SC.
- Animals Australia Federation v CA Sinclair Pty Ltd – Supreme Court of Victoria – trial – declarations and injunctions – acting for plaintiff – led by Nick Wood SC, with Jim Hartley.
- Moorabool and Central Highlands Power Alliance Incorporated v Minister for Energy and Resources – Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Victoria – appeal – acting for the Minister, led by David Batt KC, with Fiona Batten, Anesti Petridis.
- Environment Council of Central Queensland Inc v Minister for the Environment & Water – two Federal Court proceedings, climate change litigation, acting for plaintiff, led by Emrys Nekvapil SC, with Jim Hartley, Maya Narayan and Laura Schuijers.
- Wombat Forestcare v VicForests – Supreme Court of Victoria, acting for the respondent, led by Jason Pizer SC, with Fiona Hudgson.
- Moorabool and Central Highlands Power Alliance Incorporated v Minister for Energy and Resources – Supreme Court of Victoria, Judicial Review of decision under the National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005 (Vic), acting for the Minister, led by David Batt KC, with Fiona Batten, Anesti Petridis.
- Minister for Immigration v Nuumoa – Full Federal Court proceeding, acting for the respondent, led by Georgina Costello KC, with Fiona Batten.
- Luck v Henderson (M34 of 2023) – acting for government party, resisting application for removal to High Court, led by Liam Brown, Crown Counsel.
- Acting for VicForests in respect of appellate proceedings (led by Philip Solomon KC, with Hannah Douglas).
- Acting for VicForests in respect of an investigation under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), led by Fiona Batten.
- Racing Victoria v Betmax – VCAT merits review of a decision under the Gambling Regulation Act 2003, led by Fiona Batten for the applicant.
- Northern Disability Services Pty Ltd v Commissioner of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission – Federal Court of Australia – judicial review – acting for the Commissioner unled.
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