Ashlea accepts briefs in all areas of criminal law, regulatory and administrative law.
Ashlea has a strong background in the litigation of indictable crime in Victoria and interstate. She is an experienced advocate and has appeared as both defence and prosecution counsel in a range of contested indictable and summary criminal matters in the County, Magistrates’ and Children’s Courts.
Ashlea appears in ancillary applications including compensation applications brought under s 85B of the Sentencing Act.
Ashlea is also experienced in applications and breach proceedings under the Serious Offenders Act 2018.
Alongside her practice in criminal law, Ashlea acts as both defence and prosecution counsel in regulatory matters including licencing appeals, Victorian Fisheries Authority prosecutions, Victorian Building Authority matters, and WorkSafe prosecutions.
She accepts briefs in royal commissions, coronial inquests, disciplinary proceedings and intervention orders.
Ashlea read with Diana Price. Her Senior Mentor is Chris Carr KC.
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