Merran Shanahan

Merran Shanahan

  • Bar: 2024


Peta Murphy Chambers
Level 9, 456 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000


Merran accepts briefs in criminal and quasi-criminal matters.

Prior to joining the Bar, Merran was an Associate at Slades and Parsons. As a solicitor advocate, she regularly appeared in summary hearings, committals, as well as sentence appeals, plea hearings, contraventions and bail applications in the County Court. Merran has also appeared as junior counsel in trials, consent mental impairment hearings and bail applications in both the Supreme Court and County Court.

Previously, Merran was an Associate to the Honourable Justice Michael Croucher at the Supreme Court of Victoria. She also undertook a secondment to the Inquiry into the COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Program as part of the Policy, Research, and Report Writing team.

Merran is reading with James Anderson. Her senior mentor is Ruth Shann SC.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


Criminal Law

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