Tom accepts briefs in criminal, disciplinary, administrative, appellate, and regulatory matters, including matters of inquiry.
He frequently appears in matters involving serious offending, often where complex evidentiary issues are present.
Tom has experience in a breadth of regulatory and disciplinary matters, including where breaches of the Building Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Planning and Environment Act are alleged.
Tom welcomes briefs to advise, having a strong foundation in written advocacy advising government, judicial and coronial decision-makers.
Prior to being called to the Bar, Tom was an Associate to His Honour Judge Johns QC. He assisted His Honour who presided over a diverse range of matters in the criminal division including Koori Court pleas, jury trials, special hearings, post-sentence supervision and fitness investigations.
Before practise, Tom worked on complex legal reforms responding to the Royal Commission into Family Violence and the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants.
Tom also worked as a case investigator at the Coroners Court, investigating homicides and suicides on behalf of the State Coroner.
Tom read with David Cronin and his senior mentor was Megan Tittensor SC.
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